Our Mission
Universal Consciousness unites the many human, ancestral, spiritual and religious paths through programs that empower a consciousness of cooperation and collaboration. Together we inspire individuals and groups to heal differences, expand personal boundaries and embrace the oneness of our human spirit.
Vision for the Future
Universal Consciousness is a not-for-profit organization whose purpose is to work to uncover the commonality in all of us. We think that there is more that connects us than there is that divides us. Our vision for the future is a heart-centered consciousness that activates joyously when we recognize another as our self.
Universal Consciousness responds to the growing need for a "global community consciousness." The debate among religions, science, cultures and politics has continued throughout history, however, it is through the recognition of our interconnectedness that we will create a sustaining future for all. Our intention is to create a spirit of cooperation, collaboration and understanding by inviting diverse groups and individuals to share their knowledge, wisdom, interests and beliefs. We offer them the opportunity to join our cause in unifying community leaders, collaborate with us in our outreach programs and network their organizations and the principles upon which they are built.